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My Holidays

Tuesday  30th  April                                                               2024


Mini golf 


Me and my cousin (ben that’s his name) We went to mini golf.It was me,my cousin, mum and also my sister. We all went to mini golf.It was in Eden park. By the mall.We all what in and it was so fancy.It was like a jungle theme.It was really cool.My cousin and I were just playing around but my sister on the other hand was being serious I didn’t care though.My cousin won and and i came second in mini golf 


Laser tag 


After mini golf we went to laser tag at paradise laser tag in botany. We went there because they were cheap tickets. We could go to times,one time we did team and the second time we did it individually .I won both rounds but my cousin stole all the credits anyway he’s only six so I just told him he won 




After laser tag we went home and Ben  wanted to say the night so he did.We had popcorn and we watched sonic 2.We only watched half of the movie. In the morning we watched the rest in the morning 



Toy World 


We got ready to go to toy world because they were doing an lego fun day we went.They would tell us to make something.We had to make it with the thing in front of us we had to make a car or the tallest tower.I didn’t win anything.My cousin was in the top 3 but he didn’t get picked we were still happy though.    

Wednesday  3rd   April                                                          2024


                                       Easter weekend


What is easter? For me Easter is a time to celebrate Jesus because he died on the cos for us on easter friday and on easter jesus came alive again. Do you know the saying he has risen? Whall we say that that my church but after church me and my family just relax at home. Then we got ready to go to the warriors game and the warriors won the game. They vs the knights. It was fun and interesting because it was my first time going to an warriors. When my dad was an cid he got an warriors top and my sister could fit it and now I can fit it and I wor the top to the game.

Water sports fun day

  Friday 23rd March                                                 2024                            


                               Water fun day 


What is a fun water sports day? At my school water sports fun day is like you have fun with water doing sports and we did exactly that on Friday week seven . And it was so fun and tiring too.

So we split up into six groups in our house (we have four houses and it is green blue,red and yellow the best house ever) My house yellow (Te Whiti) went into the pool last. But we had an advantage because we now know how long their time was and all we had to do was to beat their time.We had three races and Te Whiti won two games. On the last round we had to go

under and over but we didn’t exactly do that. We didn’t go under and over because we just did a few and we got out. So we got disqualified.